25 images Created 19 Jan 2023
Portfolio Finisterre I Zeegezichten I Seascapes
Finisterre is het vervolg van het project Time and tide maar nu buiten Nederland. Er is gefotografeerd in de periode najaar 2021 - voorjaar 2024 langs de Atlantische kusten van Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk en Spanje. Maar niet alleen de locaties zijn anders, ook de fotografische benadering laat een andere aanpak zien. Ten eerste is de panorama fotografie verleden tijd, ten tweede wordt er overwegend in kleur gewerkt. En last but not least, het fotograferen met de drone heeft zijn entree gedaan. Daarom is er in de laatste fase van het project ook weer langs de Nederlandse kust gefotografeerd, zie bijgaand portfolio. Finisterre heeft een eigen site, zie hamburger menu.
➔ Finisterre, also known as Time and tide part two, is the continuation of the project, but outside the Netherlands, along the European Atlantic coasts of Denmark, Germany, France and Spain. But not only the locations are different, the photographic approach is also different approach: panorama photography is a thing of the past and I work no longer in black and white but predominantly in color. Furthermore, photography with the drone has made its entrance. On this page the portfolio shows a selection from the period autumn 2021 - spring 2024.
Finisterre has its own site, see hamburger menu.
➔ Finisterre, also known as Time and tide part two, is the continuation of the project, but outside the Netherlands, along the European Atlantic coasts of Denmark, Germany, France and Spain. But not only the locations are different, the photographic approach is also different approach: panorama photography is a thing of the past and I work no longer in black and white but predominantly in color. Furthermore, photography with the drone has made its entrance. On this page the portfolio shows a selection from the period autumn 2021 - spring 2024.
Finisterre has its own site, see hamburger menu.